Tagged: nature

Biodukt Workshop

Kaj pomeni poslušati s celotnim telesom? Izkušnja poslušanja je daleč od abstraktnega, pa vendar večinoma dojemamo vsak čut kot ločen način interakcije s svetom. Avtorja avdiovizualne...

konS modul ≡ Biodukt

Avdio-vizualna razstava v Mladinskem centru Velenje, Efenkova 61a Kaj pomeni poslušati s celotnim telesom? Izkušnja poslušanja je daleč od abstraktnega, pa vendar večinoma dojemamo vsak čut...


Bora Scura field recordings in the PhD thesis Soundcastles: Play and process in field-recording composition, by Symeon Yovev, University of Leeds: “The ten pieces on this...

AV Exhibition for Passersby

Biodukt is an audio/video project by creators Martina Testen and Simon Šerc. The audio/video installation is based on static video recordings of nature in all four...

WLD 2021 Soundwalk

Matrix441 joins World Listening Day 2021 : The Unquiet Earth In 2020 we were forced to pause by an invisible virus. This brought countless consequences to...

Sound workshop – Field recording

The field recording workshop will be introducing contemporary concepts in field recording, sound art, installations, architecture and sound design, with the use of field recordings as...


BIOZVOK: Delavnica terenskega snemanja Matrix441 Lab | 9. november 2019 Program delavnice: Teorija snemanja Tehnike snemanja Analiza posnetkov Filtriranje in uporaba sonogramov Terensko snemanje – praktični...

WLD 2019 Soundwalk/Workshop

Matrix 441 joins World Listening Day 2019 : Listening With Every year in July, people around the globe gather to celebrate World Listening Day. This year...