Tagged: field recordings


Radijski valovi, signali Wi-Fi, signali mobilnih telefonov, električnih naprav in še veliko več nas nenehno obkrožajo, za nas popolnoma nezaznavni – razen če uporabljamo napravo, ki...


Mobilni telefoni predstavljajo nove priložnosti v smislu vseprisotnega terenskega snemanja in avdio produkcijskega potenciala, ki omogoča taktična raziskovanja urbanega okolja, kjer so mobilne medijske tehnologije vgrajene...

Shortwave Radio Transmissions

Matrix441 teamed up with Cities and Memory to reimagine recordings from the history of shortwave radio – presenting the world of shortwave radio as you’ve never...

Bora Scura Reimagined

Bora Scura Reimagined is a global collaboration between artists all over the world: sound art work that present reimagined versions of field recordings of extreme Bora...

BBC 3 Breakfast

Matrix441 field recordings tomorrow morning on BBC Radio 3 Breakfast show: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006tmr6https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0011cl8

Ars Electronica 2021

Biodukt at Ars Electronica 2021 // Sound Park – auditory scenes In a world dominated by visual stimuli, auditory perception can be an oasis of calm....

WLD 2021 Soundwalk

Matrix441 joins World Listening Day 2021 : The Unquiet Earth In 2020 we were forced to pause by an invisible virus. This brought countless consequences to...

Sound workshop – Field recording

The field recording workshop will be introducing contemporary concepts in field recording, sound art, installations, architecture and sound design, with the use of field recordings as...