Zvočne krajine
Zvočne krajine: delavnice terenskega snemanja uvajajo koncepte, ki trenutno vplivajo na področja zvočne umetnosti, instalacije, arhitekture in oblikovanja zvoka, z uporabo okoljskih posnetkov kot osnove. Delavnice...
Music for sleep
Music for Sleep: a worldwide collaboration between artists and field recordists to create a unique collection of compositions specially designed for rest, sleep and tranquillity. Our...
Ambisonika je tehnika zajemanja in reproduciranja zvoka v treh dimenzijah. Uporablja za ustvarjanje izkušenj prostorskega zvoka za navidezno resničnost, video igre in druge aplikacije, kjer je...
The 25 Best Spring Albums of All Time
Matrix441 project Biodukt in The 25 Best Spring Albums of All Time: I love this quote from Jeremy’s introduction above: “Sometimes these albums have been inspired...
Polar Sounds
Matrix441 teamed up with Cities and Memory for the Polar Sounds: a unique project charting and reimagining the sounds of the Antarctic and Arctic regions. Polar...
Biodukt Workshop
Kaj pomeni poslušati s celotnim telesom? Izkušnja poslušanja je daleč od abstraktnega, pa vendar večinoma dojemamo vsak čut kot ločen način interakcije s svetom. Avtorja avdiovizualne...
Bora Scura field recordings in the PhD thesis Soundcastles: Play and process in field-recording composition, by Symeon Yovev, University of Leeds: “The ten pieces on this...