
Intercontinental Biennial

Matrix441 / Biodukt artwork has been selected among the best works at the Intercontinental Biennial 2024 out of 21,708 entries. The Intercontinental Biennial is an organization...

ALC Videoart Festival

Matrix441 at ALC Videoart FestivalMACA, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante8-11 May 2024 https://maca-alicante.es

Venezia Open Art

Matrix441 production IN/SEKT at International Exhibition of Contemporary Art: Art for the Planet Venezia Open Art17 April – 25 July,Dorsoduro 2620, Venezia The works will be...

New Generations

Matrix441 production CMBR at “New Generations” generative art exhibition – an exploration into art, maths and the processes that artists employ to create intricate and surprising...

Music for sleep

Music for Sleep: a worldwide collaboration between artists and field recordists to create a unique collection of compositions specially designed for rest, sleep and tranquillity. Our...


Ekodukt is the continuation of Biodukt, an audio project that captures the natural sounds of the Slovenian Goriška region and the Italian Friuli Venezia Giulia. Designed...


Zvočno oblikovanje je proces ustvarjanja zvoka za film, ki zajema vse zvočne elemente, ki niso del dialoga in glasbe. Vključuje ustvarjanje zvočnih efektov, atmosfere in drugih...


Recorded in the abandoned underground industrial complex of the RTH coal mine in Trbovlje (Slovenia), “Integral” was produced entirely using analog methods. This includes mixing on...

MatrixAI at Shoreditch

Matrix441 Artificial intelligence generated artworks has been selected for the group show at Shoreditch Arts Club London. The exhibition will make use of Shoreditch Arts Club’s...

Umetna inteligenca in zvok

Delavnica »Umetna inteligenca in zvok: Sodobni pristopi v glasbi in zvočni umetnosti« je namenjena vpogledu v tematiko umetne inteligence in njenega vpliva na zvok ter predstavitvi...