Author: matrix441

Biodukt featured in The Guardian

Croaks, squelches, waterfalls: the visionaries bringing the jungle to your headphones Sound artist Martina Testen suggests that audio from a natural environment appeals to “that unexplainable...


Cadlag are simply masters of incorporating density and sparseness in their unique journeys.


BIOZVOK: Delavnica terenskega snemanja Matrix441 Lab | 9. november 2019 Program delavnice: Teorija snemanja Tehnike snemanja Analiza posnetkov Filtriranje in uporaba sonogramov Terensko snemanje – praktični...

WLD 2019 Soundwalk/Workshop

Matrix 441 joins World Listening Day 2019 : Listening With Every year in July, people around the globe gather to celebrate World Listening Day. This year...